The ultimate rock bass instruction series

The ultimate compilation for learning to play the most popular rock bass styles through the decades!

Jon Liebman
ROCK PACK marks the first time that any of my lessons from the Bottom Line Club membership have been made available for sale.
These four individual, stand-alone courses cover the amazing spectrum of rock bass styles and techniques, from the very beginning, and through the decades that followed!
Who is Rock Pack for?
Before I tell you about this compilation, let’s make sure you’re a good fit.
The Rock Pack collection is for you if you love rock and roll and you want to play your favorite rock styles on the bass.
Does any of this sound like you?
You’ve always loved rock – especially YOUR rock, the stuff you used to listen to back in the day – and you want to play your favorite music on the bass.
Imagine how great you’d feel playing the kind of music that meant so much to you in your high school and college days. No time like the present to start learning that stuff!
You know what the songs are SUPPOSED to sound like, but a lot of times you feel frustrated, even embarrassed, when you’re not sure exactly what to play and how to play it.
When you follow along a set path in a guided, self-paced program -- like in the Rock Pack lessons -- you’ll start to get it before you know it. You’ll be amazed at how much all those songs have in common!
You like the idea of getting together with your friends to play music and have fun. And when that happens, you’ll no doubt be reminded of all the other great rock songs you’ve always liked, maybe from the period just before or just after the one you know best.
Wait till you see how many styles, techniques, and rhythms in rock can be applied to other sub-genres in the rock and roll universe. Once you get them down, there’s no stopping you!
If you can relate to any of those things, you're in the right place.
With the Rock Pack collection, you’ll get all the tools, inspiration, and step-by-step guidance to become proficient at playing rock bass. You’ll also get tons of hands-on practice opportunities, and lots of different ways to work on improving your playing.
Just to be clear…
Rock Pack is NOT for people looking for exact transcriptions of their favorite rock bass lines. It’s for understanding and learning how to play different styles of rock. When you think about it, doesn't that sound even better?
Here's what you'll learn...
After going through Rock Pack, you will have learned to play bass in a variety of different rock styles that were popular through the decades. Specifically, the styles you’ll be playing are: Early Rock, Classic Rock, Hard Rock, and Soft Rock.
The idea is for you to understand the characteristics and nuances of each style, with the goal of being able to build your own rock bass lines. The Rock Pack compilation gives you all the tools you need.
Every lesson includes:
- Video demos (both fast and slow)
- Downloadable PDFs of all the music (both with tablature and without)
- Variable-speed audio tracks (one with the full band, and one with everything BUT the bass)
Rock Pack is the ultimate compilation for learning to play the most popular rock bass styles through the decades.
It also marks the first time any of the lessons from the Bottom Line Club have been made available for sale!
The Rock Pack compilation is valued at $997.
But you can get it right now for just...

“With Jon’s courses, I’m learning less about memorization more about making music!”
MIKE S. // Florida
Here's what's inside Rock Pack
In the Early Rock course, you'll get a good grasp of the bass styles from the earliest days of rock and roll, from the mid ‘50s, into the early ‘60s.
You’ll play those fun rock bass grooves similar to those in songs by Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, Buddy Holly, Little Richard, Jerry Lee Lewis, The Everly Brothers, then into early Beatles-type grooves, the Rolling Stones, and The Beach Boys.
These lessons, including shuffles, straight 8th-note patterns, and driving rock grooves, will help you expand your groove vocabulary while building great bass technique!
Following up on the lessons in the Early Rock course, here you'll learn to become proficient in playing the types of rock bass lines popular in the ‘60s and ‘70s... and a bit beyond.
The bass lines in the Classic Rock course were inspired by the later periods of the Beatles and the Stones, into the era dominated by acts like Led Zeppelin, Rush, Peter Frampton, The Doobie Brothers, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Journey, Santana, Tom Petty, and others.
Though some of the rhythms and chord progressions are similar across different rock sub-genres, many of the differences lie in the attitude, energy level, and overall vibe of the way they're played. That's a big part of what makes it so much fun!
The Hard Rock/Metal course is reminiscent the "arena rock" era of rock of the '70s and '80s (if you've got a distortion pedal, now would be a good time to dig it out! 🙂 )
Notable hard rock/metal bands include Judas Priest, Rainbow, Whitesnake, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, and The Scorpions.
In this course, you'll play plenty of driving 8th-note rock, plus some dotted figures, while learning to play some cool syncopated rhythms, a rock shuffle... even a hard rock waltz!
You'll also build some serious bass technique, playing octave patterns, hammer-ons, and heavy R&B rock!
In the Soft Rock course, you'll learn to capture the feel and the essence of the mellower side of rock.
The lessons in this course are a nod to the easy-feeling rock songs played by acts like Seals & Crofts, Bread, Gordon Lightfoot, America, the Eagles, and James Taylor.
As in all of these courses, the lessons aren't about just copying and imitating a bunch of great bass lines (though that's definitely a big part of it!).
In the Soft Rock course, in addition to learning to play different types of rock rhythms, descending bass lines, and anticipated patterns, you'll get some practical music theory knowledge, including lessons in major and minor key, and the circle of fifths.

“Jon makes all his courses non-threatening, non-judgmental, and easy (baby steps) with his 'YOU-CAN-DO-IT!' encouragement. It's so much fun to play along with songs that I actually like. What a concept!”
JILL G. // California
An incredible value!
- All four courses, Early Rock, Classic Rock, Hard Rock/Metal, and Soft Rock, 40 lessons in all!
- Two full video demonstrations of every lesson, one fast, one slow!
- Two downloadable PDFs with every lesson, one with tablature, one without!
- Two variable-speed audio tracks with every lesson, one with the full band and one with everything BUT the bass!
- Super convenient video "jump" links in every lesson -- no aimless searching; one click and you're right where you want to be!
- Tools and guidance for learning to come up with your own rock bass lines!
- Self-paced learning via my trademarked Groove Grower™ framework!
Value: $997
The Rock Pack compilation is valued at $997.
But you can get it for...
ONLY $297!

“Jon is an amazing bass teacher!”
COLIN B. // Canada
A note from Jon...
Your personal guide to helping you learn bass, so you can do away with all that frustration uncertainty, and instead, start building confidence and having fun, playing the music that you love!

Jon Liebman
I’ve always loved rock and roll – listening to it and, of course, playing it.
Ever since I became a bass educator, over 30 years (and 140,000 students) ago, I noticed my bass-teaching resources have been reaching more and more people who also love rock.
A lot of them have dabbled in it, on and off, hoping to learn to play their favorite rock songs on the bass. Before they came to me, though, they'd never really been able to play it as well as they’d like.
That’s why I’m especially excited to share Rock Pack with you.
Think of Rock Pack as a journey through the history of rock and roll, beginning with its earliest days, way back in the ‘50s, then traveling through the Classic Rock and Hard Rock/Metal periods... with a healthy dose of the irresistible Soft Rock style too!
I hope you’ll give Rock Pack a try. If you grew up listening to rock and roll – and I have a hunch you did! – I know how much that music means to you, and I’d love to help you learn to play it. The satisfaction is playing music that you love is indescribable.
Long live rock. Oh, and…
Let’s play bass!