Frank Gravis

First-hand account of learning bass from Jaco, plus great advice for old rockers

Exclusive video interview with FBPO’s Jon Liebman
January 23, 2023

Bassist Frank Gravis has been an integral part of the NYC session scene for decades. Since moving to the Big Apple in the late 1970s, he’s worked with a slew of well-known artists and musicians, including Herbie Mann, Hiram Bullock, Suzanne Vega, Randy Brecker, Chuck Mangione, Donna Summer, The Paul Butterfield Blues Band, Bo Diddley, Phoebe Snow, Angelo Badalamenti, and Rupert Holmes (with whom he recorded the hit song “Escape (The Piña Colada Song).” The Texas native has also worked extensively in television and radio, including playing on the first two seasons of Sex and the City. He’s also served as a longtime faculty member with The Collective School of Music.

Watch our interview with Frank!

See Jon’s blog, with key takeaways from this interview here.

Comments on Frank Gravis

  1. Jon Gordon says:

    It is so nice to hear Frank Gravis have an opportunity to speak up! I had the privilege of playing with Frank in a couple of different bands in the 80’s. He is one of the very best all round musicians I’ve ever worked with. His playing was impeccable and his ears were on all the time. I remember that he seemed to be able to read charts a whole page at a time, as if he had a photographic memory of the page. He would just glance down every now and then. And this is on songs that he was totally winging.
    In his own band, Wired, he did some amazing tapping of two basses at once, while also being the lead singer.
    Frank Gravis will always be one of my musical heroes.

    1. Jon Liebman says:

      Wow, that’s quite a tribute, Jon. Thanks for weighing in!

  2. Gerard Daily says:

    I’m from San Antonio. Frank played bass in the Folk Mass band at Holy Spirit parish, my parish, many decades ago.

    1. Jon Liebman says:

      Cool! Thanks, Gerard.

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