Having trouble navigating the bass fingerboard?

It’s not hard when you take this approach

By Jon Liebman
September 26, 2024

You know that feeling when you’re playing bass and you suddenly find yourself totally lost “somewhere” up on the bass fingerboard? When you don’t know where you are, how you got there, or how to get back to familiar territory?

Not a good feeling.

Actually, getting familiar with the bass fingerboard isn’t hard when you break it down into manageable steps, becoming proficient with one area at a time.

I use a technique I call “note anchoring.” It’s a pretty simple, conceptually. It’s just a matter of getting used to the feeling of moving your fingers up and down in familiar ways.

Take your index finger, for example, and play a random note, say, “G” on the 3rd fret of the “E” string. Now, without looking down, move your finger up to the 4th fret and play the “Ab.” Can you get used to what it feels like to move your hand up just one fret? Of course you can. That one’s pretty easy. 

Now move your first finger back down to the 3rd fret and play the “G” again. As you repeat the process anywhere (and everywhere) else on the bass, you’ll soon become more confident in shifting from any position up or down one fret.

Next try it again, only this time move your finger up and down two frets instead of one. It’s not quite as comfortable but it’s still doable. Remember, don’t look down.

Now, if you really want to challenge yourself, try moving your finger up three frets, then back down again. That one’s going to take a little more practice, but it’ll make you a lot more proficient in moving around the bass fingerboard, especially when you factor in all the additional notes that suddenly become available to you.

Watch the video for a complete demo of this technique. I’ll also show you how to use your other fingers to guide you, most notably your pinky and your second finger.

A lot of people have found this approach very helpful. I hope you will too.

Give it a try, then leave a comment below and share your experience. I’d love to hear how you make out. Be sure to tell me about your results with your index finger, pinky, second finger, etc. 

Let’s play bass!


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