Paul McCartney’s walking bass lines

It’s not jazz; it’s the Beatles!

By Jon Liebman
June 27, 2024

A lot of people think of walking bass lines as being generally reserved for jazz. 

For the most part, they’re right.


There are a lot of rock songs that use walking bass too. Including a lot of Beatles songs!

In this week’s video, I highlight a few of Paul McCartney’s great walking bass lines on some classic Beatles tunes.

Check it out, then hit me back and let me know your takeaways.

Let’s play bass!


Comments on Paul McCartney’s walking bass lines

  1. Joe Dashiell says:

    Thanks for that one, Jon! Good to hear of PM style of walking Bass

    1. Jon Liebman says:

      Glad you liked it, Joe. Thanks!

  2. Brynjar says:

    Paul M is awesome. Listen to «Something»….masterpiece….🤟
    Thanks Jon..!!!

    1. Jon Liebman says:

      For sure! Thanks, Brynjar.

  3. Colin Baxter says:

    Great Jon, that’s right in my lane. Tab would have been nice.

    1. Jon Liebman says:

      Thanks, Colin Good suggestion!

  4. Tabatha Gano says:

    Hey John I really enjoy walking bass lines. Thanks for the demonstration of how we can use walking bass lines.

    1. Jon Liebman says:

      You’re welcome, Tabatha. Enjoy!

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