Do you ever wonder what your bass playing sounds like?

I mean what it REALLY sounds like??

By Jon Liebman
October 10, 2024

Have you ever listened to a recording of yourself playing bass and heard how awful you sounded?

Don’t feel bad; you’re not alone.

In fact, it’s happened to me. I remember one incident in particular when I was a 19-year-old wannabe bass player, cocky as hell. It was one of my first times in an actual, “real live” recording studio.

You can get the details of what happened in this week’s video, along with how that experience actually made me a better bass player.

I also provide lots of things to think about, so you can take action now and avoid a situation like mine.

You’ll thank me for it in the end.

Be sure to share your thoughts by leaving a comment under the video. Give me your biggest takeaway.

Let’s play bass!


Comments on Do you ever wonder what your bass playing sounds like?

  1. John A Ewing says:

    I used to just play, didn’t record myself . Then when the band I was with wanted to do a demo CD for a business card now would be recorded. Had really never listened to what I was doing. I was ok, but just ok. Then knew what I needed to do. Could hear what was there, but more importantly; what was not. Now I use a drum machine and groove with that. I record it all. Listen back. Listening for the little things. Great video Jon. Thanks!

    1. Jon Liebman says:

      Great, John. When you do that, you can’t help but improve! Thanks for sharing that.

  2. Celia Bradley says:

    They say you need to face your fears and learn how to overcome them – this is an example of that for me – I’m terrified of hearing myself on a recording and realising how bad I sound. Once I try it, I may find it’s not so bad and get a more positive attitude. Only thing is I’ve got to learn how to record myself first because I haven’t even got over that hurdle yet. By the way Jon, this is one of the best videos I’ve seen you do – the way you present it I mean, you come over very honest and natural and I feel I can trust your advice – it makes me want to give it a go and try recording myself play.

    1. Jon Liebman says:

      Thanks for your feedback, Celia. Much appreciated. If you record yourself in private, and you’re the only one who can hear it — what have you got to lose? 🙂 Go for it! And please keep me posted on your progress.

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