Do you think you’re too old to play bass?

Think again. You should see what some of these “silver vintage” folks are doing!

By Jon Liebman
September 19, 2024

How many times have you thought about how much fun it would be to play bass but you assumed you were too old, you missed your chance, and you really blew it?

Well, first of all, I can tell you, with absolute certainty, that you’re not too old to play bass. And I don’t even know how old you are!

Would it surprise you to learn that most of my students are over 50? In fact, a lot of them are in their 60s and 70s. I’ve even got students in their 80s, both men and women.

And you know what they’re doing? They’re learning bass. They’re playing THEIR music. And they’re having more fun than they ever thought possible.

Now before you go, “Yeah, but I have arthritis,” or “Yeah, but I’ve had surgery,” or whatever your situation is, you should also know that I have a lot of students dealing with physical challenges like those, and a whole bunch of others to boot. Somehow, though, they’ve managed to find a workaround, usually involving finding new ways of holding their bass or positioning their hands. Now they’re no longer held back from playing their favorite music.

And they’re finding it incredibly fulfilling.

Watch the video and prepared to get inspired.

Let’s play bass!


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