Rocco Prestia’s bass grooving technique

Breaking down those pulsating 16th-note bass grooves

By Jon Liebman
June 13, 2024

I remember when I first heard Rocco Prestia’s bass playing on a Tower of Power record. Just like everyone else, I said, “Whoa! Who’s that?!”

When you listen to his killer bass lines on those T.O.P. records it’s easy to see why Rocco is one of the most influential bass players of our time.

One of the things he’s best known for is that 16th-note “machine-gun” style of bass playing. It’s like he take a groove that already feels great — and puts it on steroids!

In this week’s video, I break down some of Rocco’s technique, with tips on how you can learn to play in that 16th-note style too. It may not be as overwhelming as you think!

Check out the video, then leave a comment below and tell me about your experience. Good luck.

Let’s play bass!


Comments on Rocco Prestia’s bass grooving technique

  1. Justin says:

    Good stuff, I love your “anybody can do it” friendly all level inclusive teaching approach! Now, for an advanced classically trained player like myself (and it seems you as well studying double bass) this isn’t groundbreaking by any means but I still get always seem to get something new from you, in this case the idea alternating slow/fast metronome bpm!
    My one suggestion might be to add 8th/16th note accents on non-down beats and ghost notes in particular for that authentic “What Is Hip” Rocco style!

    1. Jon Liebman says:

      Hey, Justin! I’m glad you’re getting something out of my lessons. I love your suggestion about the “non downbeat” notes on the metronome. You can start even simpler by just having the click on two and four. Either way, it’s always great to experiment and try different things. Thanks so much for weighing in!

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