Don’t just play bass — sign it!

Try injecting some of your personality into your bass playing

By Jon Liebman
February 3, 2025

When playing bass in a band, it’s always important to keep your role in mind. Do what’s expected of you, lay it down, make it feel good, etc.

Do you need to do any more than that?

Truthfully, no. In fact, much of the time it’s best if you don’t do any more.

Sometimes, though, it’s appropriate, even desirable, to inject some of your own personality into your bass playing.

Years ago, I was attending a clinic with Nate Watts, Stevie Wonder’s bass player. Amazing bassist! At first, he emphasized the importance of taking care of business, so as not to lose sight of that. 

But then he said, “Sign it!” 

I’ve always loved the way he expressed that.

In this week’s video, I talk about putting some of yourself into your bass lines and how it can really enhance the music. I also play a few examples to give you some ideas.

Watch the video and let me know your biggest takeaway. If you’ve ever done anything like that, share your experience. I’d love to hear about it.

Let’s play bass!



Comments on Don’t just play bass — sign it!

  1. Curt says:

    Thanks Jon!

    1. Jon Liebman says:

      You’re welcome, Curt. I hope you got something out of this video.

  2. John A Ewing says:

    I positively loved this video. I was playing in a band and we did Black Magic Woman. One night something just came to me and I “ signed it” or as James Jameson Jr said his famous Father said…” put something in it”. Drummer yells out OH YEAH! That would be my signature on that cover for many years. Great video Jon! Thanks!!!!

    1. Jon Liebman says:

      I love that story. Thanks, John!

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